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モーリス・フィンガーピッキングデイ2023 開催決定のお知らせ

モーリス・フィンガーピッキングデイ 2023(以下 FPD 2023)を2023年3月25日(土)、横浜・赤レンガ倉庫1号館ホールにて開催いたします。

FingerPicking Day 2022 開催のお知らせ


FPD 2023のコンテスト出場者は、FPD 2020に出演予定であった予選通過者の方々に加え、新たに東京(主催:イケベ楽器)・大阪(主催:三木楽器)・福岡(主催:島村楽器)での地区予選(ライブ審査)を開催し、その優勝者に本選出場していただく予定でしたが、本選主催のモリダイラ楽器と各地区予選主催者との協議の結果、遺憾ながら本年も地区予選は中止とさせていただくこととなりました。
よって、 FPD 2023コンテスト本選は、FPD 2020出場予定者の方々のみで開催する予定です。

尚、この件に関するお問い合わせは、モリダイラ楽器/FPD運営事務局( / 03-3862-5041)にて承ります。


神奈川県 イベント開催時チェックリスト(PDF198kバイト)


Announcing Morris Fingerpicking Day 2023

Morris Fingerpicking Day 2023 (FPD 2023) will be held on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at the Red Brick Warehouse No. 1 Hall in Yokohama.
Although the prevalence of Corona virus is far from over, we have decided to take every possible precaution to ensure that the event will be held for the first time in four years.
Details including guest performers are yet to be determined and will be announced on the Moridaira Musical Instruments website and Social Media once they are finalized.

Contestants/Regional Qualifiers

New regional qualifiers (live judging) were to be held in Tokyo (hosted by Ikebe Gakki), Osaka (hosted by Miki Gakki), and Fukuoka (hosted by Shimamura Gakki) to select contestants for FPD 2023 in addition to those who had the already passed qualifiers for FPD 2020.
However, after extensive discussions between the organizers of the regional qualifiers and Moridaira Musical Instrument, the organizer of the FPD 2023 Competition, it has been regrettably decided to cancel the regional qualifying rounds again this year.
Therefore, the FPD 2023 Contest will be held only for those who are scheduled to participate in FPD 2020.
We would like to extend our sincere apologies to those who have been looking forward to this event, including those who have been preparing to participate in the qualifiers.

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact Moridaira Musical Instruments / FPD Management Office.

Thank you & best regards.
