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モーリス・フィンガーピッキングデイ2022 開催中止のお知らせ

「モーリス・フィンガーピッキングデイ 2022」について、この年末年始の感染状況をみて開催の如何を判断させていただく予定でしたが、いまだ新型コロナウイルスの脅威が収まる見込みが立たず、2022年のFPDも中止とさせていただきます。





FPD 2022に出場予定だった予選通過者の方々をはじめイベント開催を楽しみにして頂いていた皆さま、及び音源審査に向け準備されていた方々には再三に渡る残念なお知らせとなりますが、安全・安心なイベント、そして公正なコンテストを開催するため、ご理解の程、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。

尚、この件に関するお問い合わせは、モリダイラ楽器/FPD運営事務局( / 03-3862-5041)にて承ります。


Announcement of cancellation for 2022 Morris Finger-Picking Day

We have been looking at the possibility to hold 2022 Morris Fingerpicking Day in consideration of Covid-19 outbreak level around the end and beginning of the year. However due to rapidly increasing infection cases we have seen lately, we had no choice but to cancel 2022 FPD for this year again.

Although we really had hoped to hold the event this year after two years of cancellation in 2020 and 2021, considering that performers will participate in the contest from various region of all over Japan as well as from overseas, we had to prioritize the safety of both performers and spectators. Overall, it was not possible for us to prepare and hold an event in a way that will satisfy everyone under the current situation.

Please note that those who have passed the 2020 qualifying round will be able to participate in the next FPD final round (scheduled for spring 2023).

The district qualifiers are scheduled to be held in Tokyo, Osaka and Fukuoka from the end of 2022 to the beginning of 2023 on the premise that we are no longer under Covid-19 threat. The winner of each district qualifying round will be eligible to participate in the 2023FPD final round.

However, due to the limited number of people who can win the 2023FPD finals, auditions based on recorded sound sources will not be conducted for applications from all over Japan and overseas.

For everyone who was looking forward to the event, including those who passed the qualifying scheduled to participate in FPD 2022, as well as those who were preparing for the sound source auditions, we are deeply sorry but we appreciate your understanding of the decision we made in order to secure the safety of the event.

For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact Moridaira Musical Instruments / FPD Management Office.

Thank you & best regards.
